Thursday, 15 March 2012


The lyrics are now coming together. I have 3 songs finished, two of which are vocals only tracks so those two are now ready for recording which will be happening next month. I have written a simple piano score for the song, Tryweryn, now I need to arrange a pianist to come in and record for me.

Here are the Lyrics for the song Dognau (Translations to come).

Brechdanau spam i frecwast
Brechdanau spam i de
Heb pres i’r farchnad ddu
Heb pres am banad o de

Or diwedd dyma ni heddwch
Ond rydym yn dioddef o hyd
Blynyddoedd ar ol y bomio
Wel, dyna chdi rhyfel y Byd

Caeth menun ei werthu yn raddol
Mewn owns 2, 4 a 6
Dwyn fferins gan fy mrowd i
Ac ynte yn rhoi sgrech

Dim esgidiau ar fy nhraed ers misoedd
Heb ffrwyth yn fy mol ers pryd
Pwysigrwy y llyfrau dogni
Wel, dyna chi rhyfel y Byd

Thursday, 8 March 2012


I am aiming to compose and record 5 tracks for the LP, all of which will have a protest music themed lyrical content to them. It is important to do research for the understanding of the situation in Wales during the 40's and 50's so the lyrics can reflect the social and political climate of that time. I will try to find 5 different topics of protest to make it more interesting.

Track List.

1. Brifddinas
2. Glowr
3. Dognau
4. Tryweryn