Thursday 26 April 2012

Studio Day 4

Today was all about treating what was recorded so the songs could sit in-between actual Welsh folk songs of the 50's and not stand out. It was essential to get the right amount of reverb on the tracks but not make it sound artificial. As Tryweryn is the thickest track on the EP in terms of instrumentation, I decided to start with it as work on the other tracks around it. This will give the EP some consistency. But as the microphone was of high quality, an AKG, and the live room pretty 'dead' sonically, I had to give the recording some life, but making sure I didn't over produce and tamper with the sound too much as this would not have happened back in the 50's. Below is a picture of an old pherograph reel to reel that was used and a picture of the mixing desk. 

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